Today I was asked to define the term success. This is always a hard word to describe because I feel it is personal and different for everyone, even different throughout the day. Its definition is as unique as each person’s life story. For my daughter as a teenager, success was simple: a circular driveway - a smooth arc of pavement representing security, accomplishment, or maybe even a touch of luxury. It was a symbol of having "made it," a tangible sign of arriving at a place she associated with fulfillment.
On the other hand, I had a student once who defined success is name-brand foods, like real mayonnaise—none of the store brand stuff. That student saw success in having the ability to choose quality over compromise. It wasn’t about extravagance but the idea of not settling for less.
What strikes me about these two interpretations is how they highlight the wide spectrum of what success can mean. For some, it’s tied to material symbols like a home, a car, or even what’s in the fridge. For others, it’s more abstract, connected to emotional or spiritual fulfillment.
Altogether, success looks different for each of us. For me, it’s about being proud of my fulfillment and ensuring my children are happy. It’s not about grand symbols like circular driveways or luxury items; it's about the internal joy that comes from living authentically and knowing that those I love are thriving.
When I look at my life and see my children smiling, content with who they are and where they’re headed, I feel that success deeply. It’s about creating a space where they can pursue their dreams, make mistakes, and grow, knowing they are supported. At the same time, it’s about my own journey of fulfillment—recognizing my passions, like writing and education, and being proud of the work I've done and continue to do.
Altogether, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to what success looks like. What my daughter thought was success as a child may look different to her now, just as it likely does for my former student. But for me, it’s always been tied to the happiness of those I love and the pride I feel in the path I’ve chosen. How do you define success? It might be more personal—and perhaps more profound—than you think.